What better way to start off the new year than with a new travel rant? Having just spent the better part of 6 hours held hostage at O’Hare, and an hour on the tarmac in Detroit, I have a few observations to share…
- Why don’t airports have free Wireless? No, seriously. I think it’s to keep people from live blogging horrendous travel experiences.
- Some people are brutal travelers. The stuff I overhear in airports is just stupid. Par example, I was sitting at the gate of my thrice delayed flight and I overhear some guy on his cell phone saying, “Well I’m looking at the monitor and it looks like we’re boarding in 10 minutes…” I’m like, “Hey dumb ass! Look out the window – WE DON’T HAVE A PLANE YET.”
- Which brings me to another thing – airports should have quiet areas like the AmTrak trains do. I mean, you show me a boarding area that is free of screaming kids and loud mouths on cell phones and I will show you…um, happy travelers or something. No one cares less than me about some lady’s chronic inability to keep track of her glasses, or the randar that gave some chick’s friend’s friend his number on New Years Eve.
In other news, I spent about 10 minutes scouring the newspaper stand for the latest edition of Wired Magazine (did I mention my raging New Years hangover?) I felt like a total and absolute moron trying to locate the god damn thing. I finally found it around a bend in some special business section. I guess they figure if you’re smart enough to read business mags you can probably find them in a 200 square foot kiosk…and I mean, I found it and everything.
Once I located and purchased said magazine I was thrilled to discover a special two page spread solely dedicated US airports with the worst travel delays entitled “Are We Airborne Yet?” Much to my TOTAL and COMPLETE surprise O’Hare was ranked 31st out of 32 airports with 29.9% of all departing flights delayed for an average of 62.8 minutes. (For the record, Newark is #32.)
11 hours later, I am home in DC, unfortunately my bag was not so lucky and is spending the night in Detroit (serves me right for breaking my cardinal rules of travel - never connect, never check). According to Wired, my travel woes (and ensuing rants) would be significantly curtailed if I spent more time flying in and out of Oakland, Salt Lake City and San Diego (the #1, 2 and 3 cities for on time depatures),