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May 28, 2008


Saul Colt

I will be your TESTIFY!



Oh, so it was YOU who jinx'd us last night?!?

Well, at least we can win the Cup at home in game 5, instead of on the road.

Go Wings!


Catch Up Lady

@Saul - not many things can make me laugh at 6:45am, but your comment did the trick.

@JoeA - I know! Eeek, after they scored the first goal I was like, maybe I should take that post down. ;) Here's to a Game 5 win in Hockeytown!


@Catch Up Lady - s'ok, I jinx'd us as well by putting my 2 Wings flags on my car the day of the game. I usually wait until the next day, after the game is over. Hockey superstitions, aren't they fun?

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