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December 06, 2007



Ice.... Snow... what's that??

Catch Up Lady

Ohhhhhh John. How quickly you forget!


If you buy an SUV, you can drive as fast as you want over the ice. That is what everyone in my neighborhood does.

Catch Up Lady

Did some memo circulate to NMS past and present?! You guys are coming out of the woodwork.

I think SUVs are the perfect answer, then you can monster truck anything that you may hit whilst spinning out.


Love your use (coinage?) of the term "ASSCLOWN". Paints such a bizarre picture... I imagine an ass made to look like a clown face and the famous "Crusty the Clown" laugh emitting from it.


Nice post--you are so right about, well, everything.


*turns on Bing Crosby's White Christmas and puts the radio on your desk*


As a maryland native, I can agree that DC goes postal in inclement weather conditions. While I don't necessarily condone the lack of salting and the poor excuse for wannabe decent drivers, I will say that the typical DC area freakouts did get me out of more than my fair share of exams I didn't want to take growing up. There's nothing like getting a day off of school because it's "too cold." You'd think we were in the tropics!


Here in NW NJ, our neighbor’s truck is sitting in our driveway, down the hill from their house next door. They just moved from Florida and never thought 4WD was something they needed.

Yeah, well, welcome to their first snow/ice storm.


Here in NW NJ, our neighbor’s truck is sitting in our driveway, down the hill from their house next door. They just moved from Florida and never thought 4WD was something they needed.

Yeah, well, welcome to their first snow/ice storm.

Catch Up Lady

What truck doesn't come with 4WD? My brethern in Detroit would be shocked!

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