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April 27, 2007



Buck the fuckeyes!!!

Bill Geist

"Fuck Michigan" shows how far intellect has slipped...or how dumbed down society has become.

Friend of mine and I used to silkscreen shirts and sell them at Illinois football games in the 80s. And least ours displayed a little (very little) ingenuity:

"Muck Fishigan."


Knowing this makes beating them twice this year for championships that much sweeter. I hope Michiganers appreciate Florida now.

Catch Up Lady

Jetpacks, I could hug all you Gators! I can't decide if I'd rather see all OSU teams suck until the end of eternity, or get THIS close and then lose in every championship game they ever play in. Watching the latter unfold twice in six months has really been priceless I have to say.

J Browning

ha nice, that's funny

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