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February 07, 2007



Since we were struck unprepared by the blizzard of 96, DC upgraded its salt truck fleet and has been forced to drown us out every time snow is in the forecast. I assume this is necessary for us to meet some quota so truck maintenance doesn't get removed from our budget. I cannot explain why indoor soccer practice will most likely be cancelled on Saturday.


We have had 2.3" of snow this winter so far. How do I know this you ask? The news. Apparently 2.3" in DC is considered "news." I am so embarassed for us.



I live HERE because I never want to experience first hand what is happening in that photo.


My hometown -- Portland, Oregon -- reacts the exact same way as DC: one inch and the city shuts down. Lame? Sure, but when you get maybe a week of good snow every year (and some years much less than that) nobody has any idea what they're doing. I wouldn't be surprised if the city kept Morton's on hand to clear up the roadways.


Grew up in Buffalo and lived in Minneapolis for a good portion of my life. Now I live in DC. Personally, I can't wait for a snow day for an inch of snow! We had a blizzard with 9 feet of snow one weekend and we only got off on Monday! I hope it snows a lot this year :) (I'm also biased as I like to ski, so 'thinksnow' isn't just a motto so I can get off from work... it's actually a daily thought process.)

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